The role of Azerbaijan in the energy supply of Europe, the indifference of the government towards the people, the problems of tourism in the country are the main topics of today's press.
The newspaper "Azerbaijan" published an article on the successful implementation of the project for the construction of components of the Southern Gas Corridor, which has an important role in ensuring Europe's energy security.
The website of the opposition newspaper Azadlig in the article "The unreasonable self-confidence of Ali Ahmadov" (https://www.azadliq.info/181475.html) indicates the government's desire to stall the country's problems and present everything in a rosy light soothing, in this way the population.
So, 2-3 suicides in the country are not "critical" for the government. It turns out that every day you have to commit 500 suicides, so that the authorities sound the alarm.
Deputy Prime Minister Ali Ahmadov said that "the brain drain from the country is at a non-disturbing level", although in recent years hundreds of Azerbaijani scientists have moved to Turkey. Thousands of Azerbaijanis immigrated to Europe and tens of thousands are looking for ways to do this.
The reason for the "brain drain" is low salaries of scientists, who cannot live normally at 200-250 manat a month.
In fact, the authorities do not need intellectuals, and the uneducated are easily managed and unable to assert their rights.
The newspaper "Novoye Vremya" in the article "Rasizade again did not talk about the main thing" criticizes the report of the government to the parliament. In particular, Prime Minister Artur Rasizade tried to blame the problem on disgraced officials, while not presenting a serious analysis of the situation in the country's economy.
"Arthur Rasizadeh is a purely nominal figure that does not influence economic policy in any way. On his experience, we can say a lot of positive, but the fact that he has been on this position for more than 20 years, does not affect positively the effectiveness of the government and the living standard in the country. Http://www.novoye-vremya.com/w85649/.../#.WMyh6juLTIU
The newspaper "Echo" in the article "Hotel owners are ruining the tourism potential of Azerbaijan" focuses attention on the problems of the tourism sector.
Because of the increased demand, hotel owners unreasonably raise prices during the period of Novruz Bayram, the head of the Association of Tourism of Azerbaijan, Nahid Bagirov, says.
"In addition, it is worth considering that we have "near" the tourist market of Georgia, which is in high demand. We must understand that they are our direct competitors. Despite the fact that the Georgian tourist market is popular, prices in Georgia are stable.
Even in Turkey, they reduce prices for hotels. Azerbaijani entrepreneurs are short-sighted in the matter of business development, "Bagirov said. Http://en.echo.az/?p=57751
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