Press Review 19/12/2016

State care for the IDPs, the cost of the Formula-1 competition tickets, the situation with roads in the capital and the state of the national currency are the themes of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes that the social welfare of internally displaced persons is one of the priorities of the economic development strategy of the country. The article says that special attention will be paid to social orientation, in particular, to improvement of the welfare, including the welfare of the IDPs.

The author claims that they will be able to take advantage of the "preferential housing system," as well as preferential mortgage.

Over the past 13 years, according to the article, allowances allocated for food to IDPs increased by 4 times, and the poverty rate fell from 75% to 12%.

The website writes about the upcoming competitions Formula-1 and the cost of tickets for these events. The author compares the cost of the tickets with the minimum wage in the country. Tens of thousands of families in the country are homeless, and authorities conduct such an expensive event. Thus, the most expensive ticket for the event is 690 manat, while the minimum wage in the country is 105 manat. With this money, it is impossible not only to live, but even to die.

Echo has published an article about the poor condition of 80% of the streets in Baku.

The situation on the roads of the capital is poor. Traffic jams on the streets during peak hours stretch for tens of kilometers. Main types of violations - building in commonly used areas, violation of the red lines and the construction lines, and construction of facilities without permission.

Yeni Musavat writes about the devaluation of the manat, which is under severe pressure. Experts analyze the situation with the transition to a floating rate in 2017, which will mean a complete devaluation of the manat.

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