Press Review 31/10/2016

Lack of participation in the international settlement of the Karabakh conflict, the decision of Extracting Industry Transparency Initiative in Azerbaijan, and the situation of the financial system are the leading topics of today's press.

The Azerbaijan newspaper has published an article entitled Foreign Policy Based on National Interest, which provides an assessment of international attitude to the Karabakh conflict continued for 28 years.

The leading powers of the world are not serious about resolving the conflict. Activation of the negotiations took place only after the April clashes, the author notes.

The website has published an article analyzing the situation with the country's status in the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI).

The author speaks of the repression in the country and the pressure on civil society, journalists and opposition politicians.

 EITI was established at the time by a group of members of civil society to counter corruption in the oil and gas industry and more generally in the mining industry.

The website writes that the rate of AZN will depend on the situation in the banking sector. The expert Vugar Bayramov says that strengthening of AZN has no economic justification. The position of commercial banks directly affects the AZN rate. At present, the Central Bank reserves are only AZN 4 billion, which limits the bank's room for maneuver.

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