Rovshan Lenkoransky Seriously Wounded in Istanbul - Media

According to the news agency Anadolu, the Azerbaijani businessman named Rovshan Aliyev was assassinated in the Istanbul district of Beshiktash last night. A passport in that name was found at the crime scene. According to the agency, the businessman held a business meeting at a hotel on Barbarossa Boulevard, then got into a black Range Rover jeep with Azerbaijani plate numbers and drove off.

At this moment two strangers in a car opened fire from a machine gun with silencer and pistols. Both passengers were seriously injured and taken to hospital. Later, the driver died, and the condition of the businessman is grave. According to some reports, the real name of the businessman is Rovshan Janiyev. Shortly after the assassination his brother arrived at the hospital, says Anadolu. Police are searching for the assailants.

Meanwhile, a number of unofficial sources in Baku reported that Janiyev died and preparations for his funeral started in his native Lenkoran in Azerbaijan.

Note that Janiyev (commonly known as Rovshan Lenkoransky) is considered the most influential criminal authority in Azerbaijan and the former Soviet Union. He is accused of killing another criminal authority, Grandpa Hassan. After that, leaders of the criminal community sentenced Janiyev to death. Janiyev has lived in the United Arab Emirates for many years and has been rarely seen in Azerbaijan. -02D-

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