Shirvan Court of Appeal examines the case of Amiraslanov

Shirvan Court of Appeal held another hearing on the complaint  of civil society activist "Kura" Ilham Amiraslanov , who was sentenced to two years.

On September 13 this year, Amiraslanov  was sentenced by Sabirabad court on charges of illegal possession of weapons (Article 221.1 of the Criminal Code), although at trial he and the witnesses testified that the gun was planted, and he was forced to  make a confession under torture. Doctors have also confirmed that Amiraslanov two ribs  were broken, and eardrum was damaged.

Today's trial, chaired by the judge Ahmed Nurmammedov, was attended by  observers from the OSCE, NGOs and political parties.

The judge read out the answer to the Public TV to the  request of the court to provide a copy of the video of Amiraslanov’s arrest in the program "Outside the Law." ITV responded that it cannot  provide a copy, as they are stored only a month.

An amateur video of the arrest of  Amiraslanov  placed on the site, indicates that  not two policemen were involved  in the operation, as prosecution says, but the largest division of the Main Department for combating organized crime (GUBOP) and local police were involved. 

The court also expressed its willingness to listen to the testimony of two witnesses who previously refused to hear Sabirabad district court; they are Amiraslanov’s brother  and driver of a car, in which the defendant was arrested. But because the lights went out,  the court failed to hear witnesses.

The defense also requested  to summon to court  former police official of  Sabirabad  region, Mejidov Rauf, who participated in the arrest of Amiraslanov and tortured him, and two  other employees from police, and two witnesses.

At trial, Ilham Amiraslanov again said tat his case was fabricated, and complained of continued  ache in his head and body. The next hearing is scheduled for January 16.—0—


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