Suicide is becoming younger

According to statistics, in 2014, every year  about 900 ,000 people commit  the attempt of suicide. The WHO notes that every 40 seconds one person commits a suicide. This means that 11.4  person of  a hundred thousand people commit suicide.

Turan had a conversation  about the place and importance of statistics in Azerbaijan  with Fuad Ismayilov, the Director of the Center for Mental Health, Professor of  the Department of Psychiatry,  of the Medical University, Dc.of Medical Sciences. In his words, " in general a suicide is not associated typically with the financial and social status. However, the statistics of the last month indicates that  suicide  taking place mainly because of  financial problems and debts. There is no evidence that these people  have been registered due to some psychological problems and are being treated. They  committ  suicide  because of inability to solve the problems, the hopelessness of the situation. According to experts,there is also a role of bank employees, who  call debtors and demand to pay off loans, providing psychological pressure.

Statistics on the number of suicides in the past year, the country is not ready. However, in 2014, committed suicide 515 people, of whom 19 - young people. In every country, 10 out of a hundred thousand people have resorted to suicide. In Russia, this figure is 27 people per hundred thousand, Latvia - 33-35 people.

According to experts, statistics show that 80% of potential  people committing suicide  tell someone  about their intention. They usually write in the social networks that life is very hard, or  they  say someone about it. However, many  people do not take it seriously. If the familymembers have normal knowledge, they would understand what psychological problems their child has.

Fuad Ismailov said that there is a strong stigma in the Azerbaijani society associated with mental disorders due to  which people do not appeal in  time to the psychologists and psychiatrists. In his opinion, to combat suicide, first of all, it is necessary to prevent depression, as 20% of patients who fall into a depression have suicidal.

Statistics on the number of suicides in the past year the country is not ready. However, in 2014, 515 people committed suicide, of which 19 were young people. In every country, 10 out of a hundred thousand people commit a suicide. In Russia, this figure is 27 people per hundred thousand, in Latvia - 33-35 people.

Depression - the path to suicide

Cases of depression  are increasing in Azerbaijan, and take place often among young poeple.  Fuad Ismayilov noted that this process is observed throughout the world. He added that before the depression occurred among persons older than 30 years. In the country annually 10-15% of the population suffers from depression. "In the pre-adolescent period  among children  2-3%  are under  depression.  Among children under 18 years  under the depression  are 8%. That is, each of the eight hundred adolescents suffers  from depression. "

The Director  of the Center noted that to confirm depression, for at least during  two weeks it is possible to identify three main factors. "A bad mood, loss of interest in anything, loss of energy. In addition,  auch people suffer from insomnia, lack of appetite, low self-esteem, hopelessness, helplessness.  Such people begin to  think about suicide. "

Speaking about measures to prevent suicide attempts, Fuad Ismayilov said that in the past year there were appeals to the  Centre for this purpose. "We want to take a successful model and begin to work on this basis. An example for us is Karolinska Institute in Sweden, we are now studying their experience. In addition, training for physicians  are provided. There are also trainings for psychiatrists and psychologists. " According to  the expert, media and civil society organizations should conduct enlitening work in society.—0—

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