The sister of the former head of the IBA is concerned about his fate

Baku/25.09.18/Turan: The sister of the former chairman of the board of IBA, Jahangir Hajiyev, said that for 7 days relatives and friends do not have information about him, and they are not allowed to pass food and medicine for him to the penitentiary institution. Hajiyeva considers these actions as an attempt on the life of her brother: "On Friday, September 21, Jahangir did not attend a meeting with his lawyer Agil Lahij. My appeals are ignored. Probably, it should be regarded as an attempt on the life of my brother." According to her, in fact, all this began on September 15, when, by order of the Prosecutor General's Office, meetings with relatives, phone calls and food and medicine were stopped. At the moment, there is a lot of pressure on the lawyer Agil Lahij from the prosecutor's office through the bar association. Earlier, lawyer Fakhraddin Mehdiyev, who defended the rights of D. Hajiyev, was already deprived of his lawyer's license. "All my brother's rights are violated. Even the person who committed the murder is not deprived of food and medicine. It begs the question- who and why want to isolate him, blockade and such pressure on Jahangir Hajiyev are needed, "concludes Amina Hajiyeva. Jahangir Hajiyev, Chairman of the Board of OJSC International Bank of Azerbaijan, was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment on October 14, 2016. The real terms were received by three more accused, four were condemned conditionally. The court found the defendants guilty under Articles 179.3.1, 179.3.2 (appropriation in a large amount by an organized group), 308.2 (abuse of official powers resulting in grave consequences), 309.2 (excess of official authority entailing grave consequences), 313 (forgery), 228.1 and 228.4 (illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms, accessories to it, ammunition) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. D. Hajiyev did not plead guilty, and his defenders called the court biased. --0--

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