UN Baku Office, Suleymanova Do Not Respect Civil Society

On Wednesday, the Center for National and International Studies held a conference on the theme of social control. The conference participants, who are representatives of NGOs, have decided to reproach the UN Baku Office and the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan.

Zohrab Ismail, an expert in the sphere of ​​property rights, noted that the UN prepares a universal periodic review every five years. It affects all areas of human rights based on reports of individual states. Then the experts in each country give their recommendations to the Governments of the countries to take note of the recommendations.

The Baku office of the UNPO does not participate in the activities organized by civil society in Azerbaijan. According to Ismail, this office ignores the institutions of civil society in the country. Therefore, the social structures of Azerbaijan have the right to raise the issue before the UN Human Rights Council.

Zohrab Ismail also said that Azerbaijan’s ombudsman did not take part in the event. Therefore, both the noted structures should be subjected to public contempt. -05D/B04-  


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