Victims of Landslides in Ismayilli Waiting for Help from State

Two houses have been destroyed by a landslide in the village Khankendi of the Ismayilli region. The landslide took place on May 20 at night. The landslide is still active. Destruction threatens about 15 homes. The danger of landslides also exists in the neighboring village Kyurdavan. The area of ​​the landslide area is 12 hectares.

According to locals, the landslides are a result of mass deforestation in the Ismayilli region. Trees in mountain forests are cut directly from the trunk. Stumps and roots dry then. Moisture from under the trees leaves the ground, which leads to landslides.

 Residents, whose homes were destroyed, have been pledged new areas of the land fund. But it's still a promise.

However, besides tents for temporary housing, residents are offered no other option by district authorities.

According to local residents, deforestation is conducted by executives of local authorities and law enforcement agencies that have been appointed from Baku and have high patrons there. All this takes place with the connivance of the Ministry of Environment.

The most massive deforestation was carried out under the former head of the Ismayilli region, Nizami Alekperov, removed from the post after the disturbances caused by the accident made by the manager of his nephew’s hotel in January 2013.

Despite the fact that Alekperov left the region, his appointees remain in influential positions and continue his "wood business" there. Trees are cut down for the establishment of so-called "recreation centers", and for the most part for the production of parquet.

Locals hope that the state will deal with their problems, the ruthless deforestation will be stopped and the victims of the landslide will be given financial assistance.

The villages Khankendi and Kyurdavan are located on the slopes of the Greater Caucasus and are related to the administrative unit Basgal of the Ismayilli region. -06D--

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