Will schools and lyceums of Nursists in Azerbaijan close?

 There are not any changes in the  activity of educational structures in Azerbaijan by the  Turkish movement "Hidmet herekaty."  There  is one university ("Caucasus"), 11 schools (high schools) and 13 training courses  in Azerbaijan related to this religious movement led by Fethullah Gulen. This movement is called also "Nurchular" - Nur.

After the start of operations against corruption and bribery  on December 17, 2013, Ankara  accused Gulen  of trying to overthrow Erdogan's government  by presenting  compromising  material  in the media.

The authorities began to persecute Gulen and his structure, trying to close.

These processes eventually spread to the structures by Gulen’s  supporters operating in Azerbaijan. However, educational structure  "Hidmet Herekaty" operating  under the  Azerbaijan International Education Center  and SOCAR.

The  Azerbaijani press  began to publish materials  calling to close educational institutions associated with the Gulen supporters.  However , opponents of this rightly point out that these institutions provide good knowledge. This question is still open. Nevertheless , it is believed that one of the topics discussed  during  Erdogan 's recent visit to Baku was exactly the closure of educational institutions "Hidmet Herekaty ."

In Turkey,  3,800  such structures were reassigned to the Ministry of Education . Thereafter , paid courses became free .  On the other hand Fethullah Gulen, living in the USA,  asserts that  only 800 of the closed 3800  institutions are relevant to the Movement. The rest belong to different citizens.   In Azerbaijan, there is no clarity on the future of schools and courses related to the Movement.

Official Baku  is not going to close  them,  because of high  level of teaching and education. On the other hand, Baku can not say "no"  to Erdogan.

After  Erdogan  left Baku, there were  rumors  that  it was  decided to  close these institutions, and students and their parents are advised to change their place of study. However, nobody was officially confirmed, and the Ministry of Education said  it is not planned to  close schools.

Educational institutions themselves told that there is no formal or informal guidance on the termination of admission to schools and courses. And there is not any pressure.

Representatives of these structures are skeptical that such a designation is possible in principle, since these courses, schools and universities have an important place in the education system of Azerbaijan.

Entrance exams to these  schools will begin on April 27.

* "Hidmet Herekaty"  by  Fatullah Gulen was established in Turkey in the 80s of the last century. Gülen  played a great role in Erdogan’s and his party’s coming to power.

There was not any  confrontation between Erdogan and Gulen till December 17, 2013. Moreover, a lawsuit against Gulen, which opened in   20111, was closed. -05B/D04-

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