If Ali Hasanov was right ....

The Azerbaijani officials, and especially Ali Hasanov, regularly complain about the low level of the  Azerbaijani journalists, that they do not respect the rules of ethics, invent stories and generally suffer from lack of professionalism. Such statements often cause protests from journalists who claim the opposite. However, it must be admitted that sometimes the government and personally Ali Hasanov tell the truth. Here's an article  of the agency Trend, released on October 28. We will not name  the author and editor of the published the material.

With reference to a Media Center "Elections", the article says that the head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Committee  for Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Isabel Santos, the second daughter of Angolan President Eduardo dos Santos and that she was born in Baku.

The authors of the material have reported that Isabel Santos holds a 25% share  in mobile operator in Angola - the company "Unitel", which is equal to one billion dollars. In addition, the business lady gets some income from the Angolan bank BİC, cable operator ZON Multimedia, as well as Banko BPI, the article said Trend. The come "intimate" details that while studying in London Isabel Santos met with the son of a millionaire until Sindica Dokolo. In December 2002 they married. The amount spent on their wedding totaled  four million dollars, and at the wedding among the 800 guests were several presidents of African countries. Detectives reported that Isabel Santos owns a chain of nightclubs and restaurants, and other business networks. In general, over the past 20 years she has been engaged in the expansion of its business interests, and in particular in Angola.

Then there are accusations that Isabel Santos looks at Angola as at source of their income, and does not notice that the people of this country live in poverty and under the regime of dictatorship. That's why this woman defends Leyla and Arif Yunusov, "who openly oppose the state interests of Azerbaijan, as well as other similar persons from time to time expressed preconceptions about the interests of our country," the article says. Finally, another "discovery" of the pro-government colleagues from the agency is that Isabel Santos supported the interests of the Armenians and "there are further proof that confirms Santos’s cooperation with the Armenian lobby."

The evidence of the material is not noted, but says that  Santos who  was born in Baku, is working closely with the foundation of the Armenian businessman Calouste Gulbenkian and "it is not by chance that the Fund's head office is in Portugal, where Santos lives." Well, the real  "bomb" in the information that "Isabel Santos began to expand her business-interests in the run-up to parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan, and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has made it their orders." A detailed retelling of this material is required to show how much was right Comrade Ali Hasanov speaking about the lack of professionalism of journalists.  The matter is not  "subversive activities" of  the head of the  PA OSCE Committee, and that she is the daughter of the second president of Angola.

Isabel dos Santos - the Angolan businessman, billionaire, the eldest daughter of President Jose Eduardo dos Santos and Isabel Santos , the head of the OSCE PA Committee  are  two different people! The first was really  born in Baku, and a business woman, the richest woman in Africa.

The second, a politician from Portugal (in Angola, also in Portuguese, hence the similarity in names.) Santos several years was a member of the parliament of this country, hold any other public office and after 2009 worked in the PA SOBE.

Therefore, before making the order, or rather the writing of "analytical" articles  we recommend that would-be journalists  to study the topic better,  and not to capture information from Wikipedia, and at least,  even compare the two photos. -02В-

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