Mehriban Aliyeva - now as a politician

If to paraphrase Lenin, I want to say: so long expected event  has  happened! This is  an event of almost revolutionary scope. From now on, Mehriban Aliyeva  is the number two in the ruling party. This suggests at least the ambition  of the newly deputy chairman of the ruling party “Yeni Azerbaijan” (YAP),  major plans of the party and other things.

Why do they need it? -the first and natural question that arises in this situation. It is hard to imagine  Mehriban Aliyeva,  resolving  the questions of internal life, and what question she will consider.

But all of these questions come, based on the logic. If we proceed from reality, everything is  logical: it is the next step to power.

In fact, the last step is to  be done - to get an appointment to public post which opens the  way to the top. Like all previous destinations, today's election is more symbolic than practical.

The main thing is a demonstration of intention.

Today Mehriban Aliyeva is performing  some of the functions the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and even the prime minister. She led the commission of "Eurovision", and now - the European Commission for the Olympics.

Nobody knows the  actual powers and financial resources of social organization, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. However, without exaggeration  it can be  said that they are much more than the powersof  many ministries of Azerbaijan. The reason  is  who heads the Foundation.

Today it is easy to predict that from now on  more or less important events of  YAP will be held under the patronage of Mehriban Aliyeva, and all the successes and achievements of the party will be associated with  her.

In principle, this scheme,  was used at the time to promote Ilham Aliyev, who started out as a sports enthusiast and assistant in the oil business.

As a rule, all these activities result in rotation of personnel. This means that new  assistants  and functionaries will come to YAP,  who must meet certain standards: appearance and manners, origin, language skills, etc. The current composition of YAP in these matters have nothing to boast. For example, it is difficult to imagin Siyavush Novruzov as assistant of  Mehriban Aliyeva.

All this means a further weakening of the clan, which includes traditionally  the resident of  Nakhchivan and immigrants from Armenia. The weakening of their positions in the ruling party  is a serious signal, but not fatal. However, it can  have  quite unpleasant consequences for the authorities in the form of desertions in the camp of the opposition. Together with defectors there will flow their finances.

The first signal  for members of this  once-powerful clan  is that today  ex-Minister of Education Misir Mardanov  was not elected into the Political Council of YAP. It is now the most authoritative representative of immigrants from Armenia. Time will show is it a simple accident or a natural process.

It's no secret that  next step can be leaving of the grey eminence. Who will come  instead of him is a question of paramount, but not in terms of a person, but in terms of selection criteria. What will be taken as a priority: regionalism or personal closeness?

On the other hand, the family runs a great risk by concentrating all power and all authority on itself. This automatically reduces their ability to maneuver. In such a situation, they will find it more difficult to assign responsibility for any errors or failure  on others. 

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