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- Recently the topic of getting education in the Russian language is often raised. Deputies also express their attitude to this topic. Some of them suggest to eliminate getting education in the Russian language in Azerbaijan. Others oppose this. In your opinion, should training in Russian be eliminated?

Qulu Məhərrəmli - Of course, the difference of opinion on this issue is normal. However, I believe that the proposal to abolish learning in Russian is also wrong, as is the proposal to increase learning in this language. Part of the population of the country wants to learn in this language and should be treated normally. Personally, I think that studying in Azerbaijan in Russian is normal. That is, to eliminate it would be wrong.

- 27 years have passed since our separation from Russia. The textbooks have changed, the authors of the new textbooks in Russian are Azerbaijanis. It can be said that the textbooks used in the Russian sector have been translated for the use in the Azerbaijani sector. In that case, why is the opinion expressed that education in Russian promotes Russian culture? How correct is this statement? That is, education in Russian enhances the danger of Russian influence?

-Independence of Azerbaijan is already a historical fact. Almost 30 years have passed since we distanced from Russia and the USSR, creating our own independent state. However, this rejection is in itself, in a certain sense conditional, since economic, cultural ties remain. There is cooperation in the field of education and other fields. With this country, we are not completely disconnected. Issues related to education are somewhat delicate. Of course, education in Russian is definitely propaganda of Russian culture. If this were not so, would there be such a desire to learn in Russian. This is a kind of strategic line. Education in Russian is the propaganda of Russia itself, its culture, thinking. I believe that in any case there are some threats. That is, if training in the language of another country expands in one country, then this already creates certain problems for the issue of national security. In this sense, expanding the boundaries of such education in the future may create a certain danger to Azerbaijan. Because when one country wants to seize another or increase its influence, it takes both hard and soft steps. Speaking of soft diplomacy, we include education and work with NGOs here.

- In recent years, the number of students in the Russian sector has significantly increased in Azerbaijan. In your opinion, what is the reason for such a high interest in learning in Russian? What are the thoughts of the population of the country hiding under this trend?

-The reasons are various. The main reason is that many people think that old Russian schools are reviving. Based on this, people think that in Russian-teaching schools the lessons are better. Stricter discipline, students better learn the basics of learning. This is the first major presentation. The second factor is that people think that studying in Russian brings a person to a wider arena, will help build a career, get an even better education, become meaningful for society. The third factor and the most dangerous one is that many people think that getting education in their native language is not vital and does not carry any advantages. If there are advantages, it will be possible to continue education in the native language. Unfortunately, today many people think this way and this is sad.

-One of the reasons is the requirement of knowledge of the Russian language when applying for even a low-paid job. It seems that the parents themselves faced such a problem, and therefore they give their children to the Russian sector. And what is the reason for employers to speak Russian? Is it correct?

-Unfortunately, the status of the Azerbaijani language is often violated in the issue of employment. This creates a certain indifference in society. But what is the subtlety here? The employer, especially if he accepts an employee in the private sector, believes that their employee must be fluent in Russian and English. It is associated purely with the business. Of course, here, too, there are certain nuances, why it is the Russian language. In general, our young people should know their native language well. Nevertheless, knowledge of Russian and English languages ​​creates certain conditions for the development of their career. However, putting it as a condition is wrong.

-Media structure voiced a proposal to invite teachers from Russia. By the way, during his visit to Baku at the end of September, Russian President Vladimir Putin touched upon the topic of the Russian language in his speech. Does the initiative of inviting teachers from Russia create any threat to Azerbaijan?

- In many media, the issue of education in Azerbaijan in Russian is deliberately bloated. This is how propaganda material comes to the fore in Russia itself, in the leading newspapers of Moscow. Such an exaggeration of the question actually gives rise to certain doubts. What is the purpose of this? Putin"s statement in Baku, stressing the presence of 340 Russian-language schools, introduces certain political nuances to the question. Such an approach to the type of inviting teachers from Russia is a rather dangerous topic. Most teachers who come for this purpose usually play the role of emissaries and serve certain propaganda goals. It is unacceptable. There are enough Russian teachers in Azerbaijan. There is a Baku Slavic University, a University of Foreign Languages. Therefore, there is no need to invite teachers from outside. That is, from the experience of Russia and its policies in other countries, it is clear what goals the directed teachers and people involved in diplomatic activities realize. Azerbaijan is a small country that does not yet have the power of resistance, the power of protection, the ability to solve security problems not at such a high level. Therefore, there is no need for additional problems for Azerbaijan. The arrival of Russian teachers is also dangerous for the country's national security. In the future, this may have serious consequences. We all saw it in our history. That is, we know what is behind the love of Russia.

-There was an opinion that in the future, education in Russian will be paid. In that case, how will this serve the purpose? In your opinion, will this serve to increase the authority of the Russian language?

"I don"t think that studying in Russian can become paid in Azerbaijan. There is no need to create such a stir now. Suppose that tuition is paid, it will neither raise credibility, nor position, and will not bring additional dividends. There is no need to increase the number of schools teaching in Russian. No need to advertise this. Whoever wants, let him learn this language. However, in these schools, the Azerbaijani language should also be studied at the proper level. Everyone should know the language of their homeland, country, nation.

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