Пресс-конференция по случаю 1-го Бакинского Международного Фестиваля Анимации ANİMAFİLM. Turan

Пресс-конференция по случаю 1-го Бакинского Международного Фестиваля Анимации ANİMAFİLM. Turan

Baku/18.10.18/Turan: A press conference was held at the Cinema Center of Nizami on the occasion of the 1st Baku International Animation Festival ANİMAFİLM. Opening the conference, the organizer and head of the festival, Rashid Agamalyev, welcomed the participants, introduced the participants, and announced the festival program, which will be held in various places in Baku from October 19 to 21.

The program includes an exhibition, screening local and foreign animation films, as well as puppet shows for children. Meetings with foreign animators will be organized; and most importantly, the competition, which will be held during the festival, will feature 48 films from 63 countries, as well as 15 scenarios.

Agamalyev noted the importance of both animation in the formation and development of a child, both an individual and animation festivals: "Our main task is the development of this field in Azerbaijan. We want more high-quality animated films to be shot, which play a big role in the development of children. However, unfortunately, recently, such animation is not removed from us. My friends and I decided to write a book "Azerbaijan animation", which will be presented tomorrow. It took us two years. The book will soon be available. In addition, we found a lot of valuable materials, which we decided not only to include in the book, but also to present it at the exhibition entitled ReAnimation, which will also be held on October 19." Then Agamalyev gave the floor to the participants of the press conference.

Animation artist Masud Panahi noted that the domestic animation needs reanimation. "This is what happens at this festival. I hope that after this animation, animation in Azerbaijan will develop successfully. There are several small studios in the country where two or three people work, but this is not enough," Panahi added, wishing the festival organizers good luck.

The master of animation, the famous film director Elchin Hami Akhundov noted that the last time a similar festival was held in Azerbaijan in 1975: Then the film by Masud Panahi won first place. It was quite difficult and honorable to win the first place in the space of the USSR. This caused a big stir in our studio. But then the hype subsided, and the sphere seemed to recede into the background. I hope for the revival of animation in the country and thank the participants and organizers of the festival. "

Famous Georgian animator, Ketevan Janelidze, congratulated the organizers of the festival, saying that 10 years ago the state of animation in Georgia was deplorable, the animators of Georgia did the same work, organized the festival: "Now we have already held two international festivals, which gives impetus to the development of animation. By organizing the festival, you thank the people involved in this business. I wish you success".

Film expert Sevinj Azimova, co-author of the book "Azerbaijan Animation", also stressed the importance of animation: "Animation is important not only for children. With the help of it, it is possible to transmit political, social signals, signals with subtext that we notice more than once in a particular animated film. It seems to me that animation should not be overlooked, its development is important for society."

Director-animator from Russia, Jahangir Suleymanov, said : "I am glad to take part in the festival in the city, where he made his first steps in the field of animation: "Walking around the city, my wife noted that Baku is a city in which one wants to be creative. I hope the festival will be the first impetus in the development of animation in Azerbaijan."

During the press conference, Rashid Agamalyev noted that in order to hold such festivals and develop animation in the country, serious state support is necessary: ​​"I organized this festival with my own money. True, we were given a free place for this conference, exhibition and presentations. However, this is not enough. For the organization and holding a large international festival, big funds are needed, and therefore joint work with the state is necessary,"said Agamalyev. -0-

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