Why did the ambassadors of the OSCE MG countries refuse to visit Shusha?

Baku/12.07.21/Turan: Avaz Hasanov, expert for conflicts, commented on in the “Difficult Question” Program of the Turan Information Agency the refusal of the ambassadors of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries - the United States, France and Russia to visit Shusha as part of a delegation of heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Azerbaijan

Hasanov did not rule out that behind this demarche of the ambassadors there is a ban on their governments. This prohibition has several reasons.

First, the United States and France are dissatisfied with the actions of Russia, which unilaterally, without taking into account the interests of the co-chairs, supported Azerbaijan in resolving the Karabakh issue. Until they come to terms with this fact, with the new reality.

Secondly, in order to overcome the devastation in the territories liberated from the occupation, Azerbaijan seeks support not only in the US and in the EU.

Thirdly, members of the OSCE Minsk Group after the 44-day war cannot visit the region due to the harsh rebuke of President Ilham Aliyev.

Receiving the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs: from France Stefan Visconti, from the USA Andrew Shofer, Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mikhail Bocharnikov and Personal Representative of the OSCE Representative, Andrzej Kasprzyk in Baku, on December 12, Aliyev made it clear that over for 28 years the Minsk Group had done nothing in the settlement of the conflict. Therefore, Azerbaijan was forced to resolve this conflict by force.

According to Avaz Hasanov, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry should not make harsh statements in this regard. On the contrary, they should be gently persuaded to accept the new realities for the sake of peace and development in the region, just as they urged Azerbaijan for 28 years to come to terms with the fact of occupation.

Moreover, the leadership of Azerbaijan does not intend to impede the participation of the MG countries in the restoration of the liberated territories.

Hasanov also believes that Azerbaijan needs to take into account the desire of the United States and France to maintain and even strengthen their influence in the region and make every effort to balance their influence. This is the only way to ensure long-term peace in the region. As for Russia, which was very loyal to the liberation war of Azerbaijan, according to Hasanov, it is forced to demonstrate solidarity with the OSCE Minsk Group.

Hasanov believes, one should not lose sight of the fact that serious political and financial support will be needed to restore the region. The country that can provide support is the United States. —0—

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