Why was the Republic Day renamed?

Baku/07.10.21/Turan: The bill "On Independence Day" has been submitted to Milli Mejlis. According to the bill, May 28, which until now has been celebrated as Republic Day, will be declared Independence Day, and October 18, celebrated as State Independence Day, will be the Day of Restoration of Independence.

Although the bill was not brought up for wide discussion by the public. However, it sparked widespread public debate. Citizens would like to know - for what purpose do they want to rename the Republic Day into Independence Day? Why are such bills not brought up for public discussion?

The chairman of the Musavat party, Arif Hajili, answered these and other questions in the "Difficult Question" program.

According to him, the celebrating the May 28 as the Day of the Republic is logical, because on this day in 1918 the National Council of Azerbaijan, headed by Mammad Emin Rasulzadeh, proclaimed the Azerbaijan People's Republic. Not just an independent state, but a republic. Because the Declaration of Independence of the republic, signed on that day, said:

1. From now on, the Azerbaijani people are the bearers of sovereign rights, and Azerbaijan, covering the Eastern and Southern Transcaucasia, is a full-fledged independent state.

2. The form of the political structure of independent Azerbaijan is established by the People's Republic.

State Independence Day - October 18, which has been celebrated since 1990, is directly related to the forces that Ilham Aliyev considers his opponents, the Musavat chairman is sure.

“These forces are still in opposition to him (to President Ilham Aliyev - editor's note). On October 18, the People's Movement, led by President Abulfaz Elchibey, the People's Front won a victory in the struggle for the independence of Azerbaijan. And today the members of this movement are leading the Musavat and PFPA parties. Therefore, the current authorities are jealous of October 18," Hajili said, adding," This day was not a working day, they made it a working day. " Obviously because of the jealousy by the authorities and the desire to belittle the role played by the "People's Movement" in the history of the country, the party leader is sure. –0--


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