Access to CTP database provided to over 2 thousand people

Over 2,000 people have access to the database of civil liability insurance of vehicle owners (CTP).

As reported at the first National Forum of Insurance Agents the Executive Director of the Office of Compulsory Insurance Elkhan Guliyev, the figure includes employees of insurance companies and insurance agents.

He stressed that some insurance agents are not always responsible in the approach to their work. "There were times when the insurance agent makes a contract with a client, but the data on the insurance policy did not impose an information system for several weeks. Furthermore, not all agents know how to enter information about the insurance policy in the information system," he said, confirming reinforced the view incompetence of a large number of insurance agents.

According to the management of State Insurance Supervision Service of the Ministry of Finance to improve the skills of agents specializing in the CTP and other types of compulsory insurance, there are courses, so you should visit them.

According to official data of the State Insurance Supervision Service for 10 months on all types of compulsory insurance collected 107 million 440.42 thousand manats, of which more than half (62.5 million or 58.2%) of the funds with the life insurance and specific types assigned to the state-owned insurance company, has arrived in the treasury under the CTP. - 17D-


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