Allocated AZN 2.5 million of subsidies to suppliers of fertilizers

The National Commission on Agricultural Subsidies, chaired by the Minister of Agriculture Ismet Abbasov, has started the distribution of funds for state support of agricultural producers in 2013. At a February 14 meeting of the committee, reviewed and approved was the issue of the distribution of more than 2.5 million manat to pay suppliers 50% of the fertilizers sold by them to the farmers. The subsidies were received by Agrileasing, Agrokimya, I.ER Ltd, MKT IK, Agroline Group, Azerbaijan Sugar Production Association, etc. In contrast to the previous one, the meeting was not attended by representatives of the media. Recall that on February 12, the President expressed his displeasure on the transparency of providing subsidies to farmers.

Subsidies were provided at a reduced selling of 8,294 tons of fertilizers by nine companies to 4,215 subjects on 56.2 thousand hectares of land in 2012 and 2013. Only in 2013, it is planned to provide subsidies for the sale of mineral fertilizers in the total amount of 25 million manat. Another 100 million manats will cover the farmers' costs of fuel and lubricants, stimulating the production of wheat and rice, etc.

In 2012, for these purposes there was allocated 109.9 million manat from the state budget. 08B


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