Baku to host regular business forum with participation of Kazakh businessmen

In Baku business center on February 28 will be a regular Azerbaijan- Kazakhstan business forum with participation of businessmen from Mangistau , told Turan the Fund to encourage exports and investment in Azerbaijan (AZPROMO).
The forum will be attended by 20 businessmen representing the refining, chemical and food industry, energy, logistics , etc.
The Kazakh delegation is headed by the head of the regional administration of Mangistau Alex Aidarbekov, who will meet with the government. The visit will last until March 1. Kazakh businessmen intend to visit a number of industrial and other enterprises.
In the last year in Baku and Aktau have been numerous meetings of business circles of the two countries . According to the Ministry of Economy and Industry of Azerbaijan, in our country there are 37 Kazakh companies in the western regions of Kazakhstan 46 enterprises working with the Azerbaijani capital . Azerbaijan is building a logistics center in Aktau .
In 2013, the trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan amounted to $ 371 million is 5.7% less than in 2012 ( data from the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan ) . Balance in foreign trade was in favor of Kazakhstan - $ 242 million ( 2012 - $ 287.7 million).
In 2013, exports of goods in Kazakhstan increased by 21.5 % to $ 64.2 million , and Kazakh exports to Azerbaijan ( $ 306 million ) decreased by 10%.
Azerbaijan imports from Kazakhstan wheat seed and food , ferrous metals, chemical products , etc. In Azerbaijan's exports consisted of fruits and vegetables , sugar , oil , etc. - 08D-

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