During three years Oil Fund lost one third of its assets on investments into Australian dollar

In the second half of this year State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ) had no luck at all.

In early July SOFAZ invested $483 million into Chinese Yen. However, a month later the Chinese national currency suddenly devalued and the Oil Fund’s losses totaled over $10 million.

Australian dollar has devalued in early September. In July 2012 SOFAZ invested 200 million Australian dollars into the state bonds of Australia. That time Australian dollar was equal to 1,02688 USD. By January 1, 2015 1 AUD was equal to 0,81701 USD and by September 1 – 0,70114 USD.

As compared to early 2015 the investments devalued by 14.18% or by $23,174,000 and only in August the losses constituted 3.96% or $5,782,000.

SOFAZ’s assets in AUD devalued by 31.7% since July 2012.

* By July 1, 2015 SOFAZ’s assets totaled $35,726,200,000, of which 50.1% were in USD, 34% in Euro, 5.1% in British pounds, 1.5% in rubles, 1.4% in Chinese Yuan, 1.2% in Korean won, 1.1% in Turkish Lira, 0.6% in AUD and 1.5% in other currencies. In addition, 3.2% or $1.4 billion of SOFAZ’s assets are on golden bullions.—0—

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