In Azerbaijan, the video network YouTube more popular

Among the most popular social networks Facebook in Azerbaijan is the undisputed leader this year, but Twitter and YouTube improved their positions. In early December last year, the leader was trusted by 72.95%, and as of January 7 - 66.21%, and Twitter was at 12.84% in December and at 13.86% in January (in September it was at 3.9%).

Most of December's confidence level was up to YouTube - from 6.93 to 12.12% on the impact of video on the rampant corruption and political chaos in the country.

The fourth and fifth places were shared by Classmates with declining popularity (2.52%), and "In contact" with 2.24% confidence.

In the world the highest level of trust is also at Facebook - 62.23%. The second place went unexpectedly to Pinterest with 13.9%, allowing users to add online images and place them in thematic collections, and then share them with other users. Images uploaded to the service are called "pins", hence the name.

Thanks to the artistic features of site design it is especially popular among women. A year ago, the level of popularity of this site was on zero. - 17D-





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