Ministry of Finance Appealed to Prosecutor General`s Office in Connection with Regional Education Offices

In 2016, the State Financial Control Service of the Ministry of Finance sent audit materials of several regional education offices to the Prosecutor General, according to a Ministry of Finance report.

The General Prosecutor's Office was sent the case for education offices in the Agjabedi, Terter and Zardob districts, Vocational School № 1 in Ganja, and the Imishli Culture and Tourism Department. Another case was sent to the State Security Service.

Checks revealed the extra expenditure of 9 million 168 thousand manat as a result of non-compliance of legal acts with budget funds. The return of these funds to the budget by the perpetrators was ensured.

Experts of financial control of public service on the basis of the Prosecutor General's appeal carried out checks in 38 organizations and identified 227 million 726 thousand manat of misappropriation there. The materials in these cases were sent to the Prosecutor General.

During the reporting period on the basis of the call from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Financial Control Service together with the Emergencies Ministry and the Financial Markets Supervision House continued monitoring compliance of loans issued by the International Bank of Azerbaijan to legal entities and individuals with the law. So far, the Interior Ministry has been sent materials on lending to 63 legal entities and 156 individuals, as well as cases of purchase of promissory notes by 69 non-resident legal entities. --71D--

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