Premiums for CTP in AXA MBASK become a leader for the year

Insurance company AXA MBASK for last year collected a total of 17,697,580 manats, which is almost half strengthened the position in comparison to last year's results - in the past it has been collected 12,724,950 manats premiums.

Most (despite tradition) of the premiums were on liability of vehicle owners to third parties - CTP. Membership of the Bureau of Compulsory Insurance brought together for this type  6,703,470 manats. Almost the same amount collected by always stronger hull car insurance - 6,154,240 manats (for these two positions accumulated 72.6% of premiums). In general, voluntary insurance premiums amounted to 10.83 million manat.

Premiums for the basic types, except the leading two positions were as follows: property insurance against fire and other risks collected 1,598,150 manat, on voluntary health insurance (VHI) - 1,408,780 manats (doubling), insurance customers Accident - 353 800 manats, and travel insurance - 115,700 manat.

Cargo insurance collected 624,440 manat, general liability insurance - 338,790 manat, liability insurance of vehicle owners - 92,230 manat, employer's liability insurance collected 44,300 manat.

AXA MBASK premium for compulsory insurance were 6 866.1 million manats (last year 20 times less - AZN 338.83 thsd), of which the main, already mentioned part came in CTP, mandatory home insurance collected 144.03 thsd, liability insurance for home owners - 15.74 thsd, and insurance of passengers - 2.86 thsd AZN.

Most of all payments made (where traditions are observed) in the case of vehicle problems - 4.05 million manat.

Aggregate payments of about 5 million 867.94 thousand manats were about 2.6 mln higher than last year. Hull (CTP) was paid 862.83 thousand manats, voluntary medical insurance - 522.4 thsd, fire insurance - 134.82 thsd AZN, accidents - 23.93 thsd AZN and insurance of air assets - AZN 96.37 thsd, and so on (see the table).

Open Joint Stock Company AXA MBASK operating in the insurance market since 1992 and provides services to 25 voluntary and 4 compulsory insurance.

Recall that in October 2010, the insurance company changed its main shareholder. Controlling interest (51%) acquired AXA Group (France) through its subsidiary AXA Sequros Generales, SA, De Sequros Y Reasequros (Spain).

December 7, 2010 License MBASK was updated at AXA MBASK in connection with the change of the company's name.

The paid-up share capital of the company now stands at 8.74 million manat.

It has a national network of 5 branches and representative offices. - 17D-


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