The government unveiled a list of names of poor families

The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare has opened on the eve of the full list of families who are assigned to targeted social assistance. Government appealed to citizens to help identify false poor.

List of low-income families, for which the state financial aid is determined on an annual period, is compiled by the territorial principle. There are representatives of families who are assigned to help, term and monthly target size. With these lists, you can also look at the placards posted in the buildings of local centers for social protection of the population.

The process of issuing targeted social assistance in Azerbaijan carried out from 2006. The opposition, NGOs and the media demanded to ensure its transparency and disclosure of families who receive this assistance. However, the government believed that the need for this.

"Everyone can read this list. If someone thinks that any family is not poor, and receives support from the state, he may apply to the Ministry. Our goal - to ensure transparency and targeting of state aid," Turan was told in the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare.

As of 1st October this year targeted social assistance receive 134,700 families (592,400 people). For each family member is assigned an average aid amounting to 28 manats a month. - 08D-


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