Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/26.03.21/Turan: The thesis on the expansion of the territory of Russia at the expense of Donbass and Nagorno-Karabakh will be included in the program of the “Just Russia-Patriots-For Truth” Party, stated the deputy head of the central office of the party Nikolai Novichkov.

The party is headed by Sergei Mironov, leader of the “Just Russia” faction in the State Duma.

According to Novichkov, when the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh began, the representatives of the party appealed to the residents of the unrecognized republic. “The only way to resolve the conflict once and for all is to join the Russian Federation. There is no other way, and everything else is a simulacrum."

At the end of last week, the first meeting of the Council of the Russian community of Nagorno-Karabakh after the end of the war was held in Khankendi. Representatives of the largest national minority in Karabakh made an anti-Azerbaijani statement, opposing, in their words, “Azerbaijan use the Russian factor” to accuse the Karabakh Armenians of destroying the Russian spiritual heritage and their alteration into Armenian monophysite churches.

On March 25, the so-called "Karabakh parliament" issued a status to the Russian language in the territory controlled by the Armenians, allowing office work in this language if the applicant does not speak Armenian.

The Russian community of Karabakh, where 1,500 Russians live, cooperates with the command of the peacekeepers stationed in Karabakh. Joint events are being held, including charitable and humanitarian ones, the Armenian press reports. --0--


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