Ali Hasanov: Our Values Better Than European Ones

The chief ideologist of the authorities Ali Hasanov has managed to come up with diametrically opposed statements. Thus, in the event of German Konrad Adenauer Foundation, he assured about the European choice of Azerbaijan and commitment to Western values.

However, after a few hours, Hasanov spoke at the seminar "The role of youth in the political life of the state," where he talked very different things: blaming the West and other foreign forces for pressure on Azerbaijan.

"The U.S. Ambassador collected the opposition and said to them: "We told the authorities that, but they did not do," Hasanov said, hinting that the opposition is used against the authorities.

Officials, however, according to him, pursue an independent policy based on the "will of the people and the national interest."

Hasanov said that the external forces are trying to interfere in the energy policy of Azerbaijan. For the transit of Kazakh and Turkmen oil Azerbaijan earns about $ 1 billion a year. "Some countries want to transit themselves, believing that it's not our business," said Hasanov.

Then he made a sensational confession that "some states still have not given up the intention to place troops in Azerbaijan."

To Baku's questions if that military presence helps solution of the Karabakh conflict, they answer in the negative, saying "in this issue, they do not interfere."

Hasanov also complained to the pressure in connection with the construction of TANAP.

"They accuse President Ilham Aliyev, thus, they want to bring back the atmosphere of 1991-93, when each held rallies where he wanted, blocked the roads, attacked shops. They want the society to be in such a state," he said, without specifying who he had in mind.

The Azerbaijani authorities are for "a responsible democracy."

"We believe that human rights should be balanced. While some people are willing to hold a meeting where others are resting, it must necessarily be balanced. The meeting should be conducted where there is no violation of the right of people to rest," said Hasanov.

It is recommended that young people appreciate and promote national values. "For Europeans, the value is a gentleman, which corresponds to their views. Do not try to look like the French, or eat what they like to eat. We have such values ??that the Europeans could not even dream: respect for adults and children, moral attitude toward women, knowing their place, etc.

Go to Europe and look at their behavior on public transport.

In Europe, it is shame, when a man gives a woman a place on the bus. If in the United States you offer a woman a seat on a bus, she will think that you have some goals.

In our culture there are very different characteristics. For example, in our family no one goes to bed until the last member of the family comes back. They do not have this. Each of them has his own key. What is worth for them is shame for us," said Hasanov.

Referring to the upcoming presidential elections, Hasanov said that the party New Azerbaijan is not going to give up power. -06D-


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