Conference of Civil Society urged the OSCE to increase attention to the problems of human rights

The night before, the representatives of the international organization "Civil Solidarity" held a press conference in connection with his participation in the summit of foreign ministers of the OSCE in Dublin and the organization of parallel civil society conference.

This is the third year the organization conducts such an event in the OSCE summit.

A conference of representatives of civil society discussed the issues of human rights in the OSCE area, developed and proposed recommendations, the President of the organization "Civil Solidarity" Harry Hummel said.

As the member of the organization Yuri Dzibladze said, the developed recommendations will be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ireland and the OSCE chairman. Besides the "Civil Solidarity" prepared its Dublin Declaration, which called on the OSCE to focus on the issue of the arrested human rights activists and journalists, restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly, and torture remaining in some countries. "We have paid special attention to Ukraine, because next year the OSCE chairmanship goes to that country. We think that in this regard, Ukraine will pay more attention to these issues," said Dzibladze. According to him, "Civil Solidarity" urged the OSCE to draw attention to the fact of national implementation of OSCE commitments and to increase the role of civil society in the OSCE area.

Another spokesperson Natalie Losekut spoke about freedom of expression, noting that often the trials of journalists are politically motivated. She also pointed to the need to address the culture of impunity that has occurred in most countries in the OSCE area. She focused attention on how much pressure on journalists in Turkey, Kazakhstan, and Hungary. "Our recommendations address the issue of undertaken obligations of the OSCE countries," said Losekut. -04s-


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