Докладчик  Европарламента по Азербайджану Норика Николаи

Докладчик Европарламента по Азербайджану Норика Николаи

Baku / 30.04.18 / Turan: The Speaker of the European Parliament on Azerbaijan Norika Nikolai met with the leader of the REAL party Ilgar Mammadov in Prison No.2 on April 28.

This was reported by the party's press service.

Recall that on December 5, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe initiated proceedings against Azerbaijan in connection with the failure to comply with the decision of the Strasbourg Court in the case of Ilgar Mammadov.

Then, the Presidential Aide for foreign affairs, Novruz Mammadov, criticized this decision, declaring the right of Ilgar Mammadov to parole.

Ilgar Mammadov demanded an acquittal verdict, saying that after that he could apply to the Council of Europe with a request to stop the procedure against Azerbaijan.

The rapporteur of the European Parliament Nicolai is in Azerbaijan on a private visit. Nevertheless, she was received by Azerbaijani officials, including the head of state.

The official delegation of the European Parliament arrives in Baku on May 6 and will hold meetings with parliamentarians and other officials, Turan was told by an informed diplomatic source.

It should be recalled that Ilgar Mammadov was arrested in 2013 after protests in the regional center Ismayilli, and was subsequently sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment on charges of organizing riots and resisting the police.

The authorities continue to keep him in prison, despite the fact that the ECHR has taken two decisions on the illegality of his criminal prosecution. -03B06-

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