Ilham Aliyev at the Destination Nabucco-West

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev arrived on Sunday in Vienna on an official visit and started talks with Austrian President Heinz Fischer and other leaders today.

According to the website of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, on May 12, met in Vienna with the CEO of the Austrian company OMV AG Gerhard Roissi.

OMV is known as a major supplier of oil products to Armenia with the volume of the market 340-360 thousand tons per year.

The sides exchanged views on cooperation between Azerbaijan and OMV AG - future joint energy projects. OMV has never had projects in Azerbaijan, so this could be the pipeline Nabucco West.

In March the Austrian company acquired the stake of German RWE, becoming the leader of the consortium.

The project Nabucco-West final destination is the Austrian Baumgarten gas hub that is for the whole of Europe.

In early May, the project Nabucco West started the process of "open season", implying booking gas trading volumes of gas that will be acquired.

According to the executive director of Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH Reinhard Mitschek, Nabucco West pipeline will provide producers and shippers access to the growing markets of South-Eastern and Central Europe as well as improve access to the Central European gas node in Baumgarten.

Nabucco West envisages the construction of 1,300 kilometers of pipeline (Bulgaria - 412 km, Romania - 469 km, Hungary - 384 kilometers, Austria - 47 kilometers) from the Turkish-Bulgarian border to the Austrian Baumgarten.

Gas produced in the second stage of the Azerbaijani gas condensate field Shah Deniz will be the main project.

At the moment the Nabucco shareholders are the Austrian OMV, Hungarian FGSZ, Bulgarian Bulgargaz, Romanian Transgaz, and Turkish Botas.

In late April, the foreign ministers of the transit countries for Nabucco West (Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania), in their letter to the European Commission called the project "the epitome of European principles," said Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH (NIC).

However, not all think so in Azerbaijan. On the eve of the visit of Aliyev to Austria, a political prisoner of the Baku prison, the head of the movement REAL Ilgar Mamedov, sent an open letter to President Heinz Fischer, urging him to take "pre-emptive action in connection with the forthcoming visit of Ilham Aliyev."

In the letter, he drew attention to the statement by the High Representative of the European Union Catherine Ashton, on 16 November 2011, where it is noted that the EU should discourage Baku's attempts to buy tacit support of its reprisals by Europe due to natural gas or oil revenue stolen from the state budget. -0 -


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