Lawyers: jail employee beats Leyla Yunus

On September 24 lawyers Fariz Namazly and Cawad Cavadov visited in jail  of Kurdakhani  the arrested human rights activist Leyla Yunus. Later on, five  lawyers - Elchin Gambarov,  Fariz Namazly, Cavad Cavadov, Alaif  Hasanov, and Khalid Bagirov issued a joint statement. The statement said about the brutal treatment  with  Leyla Yunus in jail by the administration staff.

"At today's meeting Leyla Yunus said that in recent days there was no hot water, and she  had to  take bath in cold water. As a result, she caught a bad cold, and had a high fever.  In spite of this, no medical care was rendered  her. On Sunday, her cell was searched, and officers were trying to find  smoe notes.

After the search, the Administration announced a punishment - month ban on talking on the phone with friends. Due to the high temperature, she was unable to meet with her lawyers  on Monday and Tuesday.

Yunus also said that on Tuesday evening, a warden, Major Yagubov, came into the cell, twisted her hands and took her to the next empty cell. There he threw Leyla on the floor and began to pull her hair. At the same time, he yelled at her, saying, "Well, you do not want to grow wiser !?." Then he began to beat her kidneys.

At a meeting with his lawyers on Wednesday Leyla Yunus showed them  her pulled out hair. Human rights activist called "a disgrace" and "meanness" actions  by the prison administration, and demanded an investigation and punishment of the perpetrators of such savagery.

Yunus demands immediate medical attention. In particular,  she asked the Red Cross to visit her in prison,  reads the statement by lawyers.

Attempts to get a comments in the Prison Service were futile.-16D-

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