Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for barter and the struggle against colonialism

People are concerned about the capitalist system, people want to change it, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, speaking at the Baku summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).

According to him, the desire to change the capitalist system of people approaching the end of the supporters of slavery and colonialism.

"The future system will be based on love and justice. ECO countries are against colonialism, because they have  suffered from discrimination. We can play an important role in elimination the injustices and the accession of justice," he said.

Political cooperation and the Non-Aligned Movement should continue. It is necessary to carry out the political and cultural forums and protect the rights of the ECO, including the United Nations, said Ahmadinejad.

He also supported the strengthening of economic relations "on the principles of justice," the development of cooperation in the field of agriculture, the expansion of the transport infrastructure, harmonization of customs systems, the application of the system of barter and national currencies in trade.

Ahmadinejad also proposed the idea of ​​creating an international forum for consultation, without explaining what  is it.-03C06-     


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