"Musavat" party is concerned about the fate of the arrested human rights activist T.Hasmamedov

"Musavat" party issued a statement condemning brining to the attempt suicide the  arrested human rights activist Taleh Hasmamedov. The Party demanded tostop illegalities  in relation  of Hasmamedov, which led him o such desperate steps. "Musavat" demands the release  of Hasmamedov and all other political prisoners.

* T.Hasmamedov was detained   on February  24 on charges of disorderly conduct, and arrested.

Ten days ago, he went on hunger strike, after which he was transferred from prison to a mental hospital  in Mashtaga where he cut his wrists.

Currently Hasmamedov  is placed in a medical institution Ministry of Justice.

Hasmamedov  is known for his human rights work in Goychay-Ujar region and criticizing the local authorities in facebook. Previously, he was  convicted for  his human rights  activity, but two years ago was  pardoned. -16B-

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