Political parties are obliged to disclose the names of sources contributing donations

The Cabinet approved the document on the form, content and presentation of financial reporting rules by political parties. From now on, the financial statements of parties must be based on the law "On Accounting".

As noted in the document, political parties are non-profit entities, whose main purpose is not profit, and in the case of receipt - distribution among members of the organization.

The financial statements consist of three batches of documents - the financial condition, results of operations and financial explanation of significant accounting policies (for more detailed information on the sources of funding).

The first report shall include information about: intangible assets, land, buildings and equipment, real estate and investments, long-term accounts receivable, other current assets, reserves, cash and cash equivalents, other current assets, reserve fund, liabilities, generating long-term interest expense, long-term debt payable, current liabilities, tax liabilities ", etc.

In a report on the results of operations there must be included information about: income from membership fees from the estate, income from events, publications, and other similar activities, income from donations, funds received during the election campaigns, payments from the subordinate organizations, funds from budget, property inherited by legal inheritance.

The "expenses" shall include operating expenses, expenses of party and information provision, expenditures on public relations and the conduct of elections; payments lower organizations, individual expenses, interest on loans, other expenses, and damages.

   In addition, part of the financial statements is an explanation for the accounting policy. They should reflect all items of information on the financial performance, including include the number of party members that are making contributions and information about individuals (personal data, address, amount of donations), who helped with the party in the form of donations.

The financial statements of the parties for the year must be submitted to the Finance Ministry not later than April 1 of next year. In addition, the statements must be published in the media, together with the auditor's opinion.

The Ministry of Finance will inform the Ministry of Justice on parties that have not submitted their reports.

Attention is drawn to the selectivity of the approaches to the issues of government transparency.

Previously, the law was amended, related to commercial secret information about the founders of commercial entities. According to civil society, it was done in the interests of the officials to hide their business from the public. -06D -




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