Rally in Support of Gasanli in Stadium in Yasamal District (UPDATED)

The stadium sports complex in the Yasamal hosts a many thousand pre-election propaganda rally in support of the presidential candidate of the National Council of Democratic Forces Jamil Gasanli. The action takes place under the slogan "For Jamil Gasanli, for Change!".

Other slogans are "In the Name of the Karabakh Liberation," "In the Name of Independent Judiciary," "In the Name of Dignified and Prosperous Life," "In the Name of Society without Bribes," "In the Name of Quality Education," "In the Name of Freedom of Confession for the Faithful, "" In the Name of the Release of Political Prisoners, "" In the Name of the Termination of Dynastic Power, "" In the Name of Quality Health Care," and others. 
Participants of the rally are also chanting slogans like "Choose not a thief, choose an honest man," "Freedom", "Jamil Bey," and others. -06d-

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