Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/04.04.23/Turan: Iran's special services are behind the armed attack on Milli Majlis deputy Fazil Mustafa. This general opinion was expressed on April 4 at the plenary session of the MM by a number of deputies of the Parliament.

Chairman of the Defense, Security and Anti-Corruption Committee Ziyafat Askerov called the attack on Mustafa "another provocation of the special services of Iran."

"Orders for the murders of Zia Bunyadov (MP, academician of the National Academy, was killed in February 1997), Rafig Taghi (publicist, was killed in November 2011) also came from Iran. However, such attacks are futile, Azerbaijan's security is in safe hands. These provocations will hit the organizers themselves," Askerov said.

First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Ali Huseynli expressed his conviction that the organizers and perpetrators of the terrorist attack will be punished.

MP Siyavush Novruzov drew attention to the accumulation of Iranian troops on the border with the Nakhchivan region. "We are ready to fight. Azerbaijan is no longer the country it was in the 1990s. We warn other states and their henchmen to behave normally," he said.

The head of the Parliamentary Human rights Committee, Zahid Oruj, said that the commission of a terrorist attack in the month of Ramadan is an indicator of the attitude of its organizers to Islam and believers.

He believes that the armed attack on the inacassators in Baku on March 4 and the terrorist attack against Mustafa on the 28th are links in the same chain.

These armed actions aimed to sow fear and panic in society, to influence the policy of Azerbaijan. Those who committed terror against Mustafa are no different from those who burned the Koran in Denmark and Norway.

"A unique alliance has emerged between the West and the states of the region to bring our country into conflict with radical jihadist and religious military organizations," Oruj said.

According to him, Azerbaijan is not looking for artificial tension with anyone and does not seek to be an outpost of third forces. -16B-

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