Ali Kerimli: Hafiz Hajiyev Is the Only Resource of the Ruling Regime


The regime has exhausted all resources, including informers and false witnesses, and today no one except the head of Muasir Musavat (Modern Musavat Party - editor) Hafiz Hajiyev will agree to "sling mud" on the opposition. This was in the interview with Objective TV of the Chairman of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) Ali Kerimli.
According to him, the prosecution of the alleged poisoning of Ex-President Elchibey in 1999 coincided with the scandal with the transfer of tens of billions of US dollars from Azerbaijan to offshore areas. The public can view the wealth stolen by the ruling family that has monopolized virtually the entire banking system, gold deposits, transport and import.    People feel that if they do not change the political situation, the country will face a terrible future. In order to distract people from this, the officials have planted absurd accusations of poisoning Elchibey by his own environment.
Elchibey died of cancer, and his family has a case history of the causes of his death.
Turkish doctors from the Gulhane Hospital, where Elchibey was treated, are alive. The documents clearly state the reasons for his demise.
 "If I blame anyone for the death of the former President, it's Heydar Aliyev that held Elchibey under house arrest in the Keleki village of Ordubad until his health was permanently impaired.
If Elchibey had been sent to Turkey for treatment timely, he could have been saved," said Kerimli.
The current campaign of slander has been arranged by the government to prepare for the upcoming presidential elections in 2013.
Kerimli rejected President Ilham Aliyev’s statement that the opposition has no social base and cannot gather up to 10,000 people for a rally. "Egyptian opposition members for a couple of months before the revolution wrote in their blogs that people were afraid of the Mubarak junta, and only hundreds of professional revolutionaries were joining rallies. However, the accumulated discontent brought hundreds of thousands into the streets in a few days," said Kerimli.
“At the moment, the opposition of Azerbaijan has one goal - to convince President Ilham Aliyev and his entourage for peaceful surrender of power so that fatal mistakes like those that were in Libya and Syria are not made, said the leader of the Popular Front. -17D-

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