Fazil Mustafa: Democrats Were in Power neither Before nor After Elchibey

Ex-President Abulfaz Elchibey created an example of democratic governance. The democrats were in power neither before nor after this, said in an interview with Objective TV an Azerbaijani MP, chairman of the Great Establishment Party, Fazil Mustafa.

Unlike some others, Elchibey appreciated every Azerbaijani for intelligence and integrity, regardless of his origin, place of birth or political engagement. He wanted to see native Azerbaijanis as a common cultural matrix, including the alphabet, language, literature and history, said Fazil Mustafa, who was Elchibey’s adviser on political issues in the early 1990s.

The Elchibey model of foreign relations collapsed in 1993, and today's balanced policy is based on the interests of neighboring countries and strong geopolitical players. This policy is based on the fact that we can not risk the future of the nation only in the name of ideals, no matter how bright they are, Mustafa said.

The national movement, based on the national consciousness, was specifically split to let second-tier politicians amuse their unrealized ambitions. Unfortunately, all the party leaders who consider themselves successors to Elchibey use authoritarian methods in their "diocese". On his part, Mustafa does not consider his party a follower of the PFPA and evaluates the national movement as "ancestral home", close to the ideas of Professor Khudu Mammadov and the poet Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh.

He intends (in the case of the consent of the party leadership) to run for President in 2013, and come to power, to "correct the mistakes of the previous government."

He believes the opposition detached from Elchibey’s political and democratic ideals has failed to implement reforms. This will be made by people far from political tactics, which are spiritually close to universal values, commitment to free enterprise, and respect for human rights.

As an example of political involvement of opposition figures, he indicated the statement of the chairman of one of the parties on the eve of Elchibey’s death that he was poisoned by the current chairman of the Popular Front Party.

It is dishonorable and aimed to assure the society that counterweight to the political power is a secondary personality, who allegedly poisoned the leader of the national movement. In fact, the authorities have a real alternative in two other politicians - Musavat leader Isa Gambar and the former Parliament speaker Rasul Guliyev, said Fazil Mustafa.

Elchibey’s disease progressed during his exile in the mountain village of Keleki, Ordubad. Then many things were in shortage - even food and firewood, not to mention the rest. All vehicles arriving there were inspected and Elchibey was forbidden to travel to Turkey. Such conditions played a negative role. However, after the authorities learned of his serious illness, offers of financial assistance were received from them, which Elchibey rejected.

If he accepted them, he could leave for treatment in Europe or the U.S. However, then the confrontation between Heydar Aliyev and Elchibey was in full swing, Mustafa said.

He also said that at one time he was a mediator in the negotiations between Heydar Aliyev and Elchibey. That was a search for tactical decisions in difficult times, when Azerbaijan fought for territorial independence. "The time will come, and I will present a lot of interesting historical material to the society," he added. -17D-


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