Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

- Teymur bey, concepts of "harmony" and "beauty" are placed in the title of your book. However, to our regret, Islam is presently taken as a religion of terrorists.

- Isn't Islam a harmony? Not beauty? Not call to good? The Koran equates amotivational death of an innocent human with the murder of "all humans", doesn"t it (Koran, 5: 32)? That"s quite another story that scores of people appreciate Islam not on the basis of the Koran (having not read it though), though these words of Allah called via Prophet Mohammad (с). In the meanwhile, Moslems are "appraised" through mass media-replicated farfetched information, on the one hand.

However, all world religions, either Islam, Judaism or Christianity, are integrated into political paradigm. In other words, the world beau monde avails of some provisions of either confession to solve its geopolitical tasks.

In turn, dispassionate history quotes no cases of massacres of Jews and Christians throughout their stay under the reign of Moslems (Arab caliphate and Ottoman Empire). By way of proof I can refer to the Electronic Encyclopaedia Hebraica (EEH) with its reduced date to shock readers. Thus, under the EEH, after seizure of Granada (Spanish territory) "Arabs granted Jews a freedom of faith and judicial autonomy"; there operated "Jewish self-regulatory community, as well as Jewish quarters". "Engaged in various activities, Jews scored successes in trade, handicrafts, farming, medicine and other areas". Since the 10 century "the golden age of the Jewish culture in Spain begins" prospering side by side with the Arab culture and under latter"s influence".

The above cited is just a small fragment from the EEHИ written by world famous Jewish scholars and orientalists with reference to historical sources.

Facts of this sort make it possible to claim that it was solely the geopolitical factor that featured in certain manifestations of violence throughout the history of world civilizations on behalf of either religion. In so doing, an emphasis was laid on religious concepts. In the meanwhile, it is not difficult to find violence committers at any time and any geographic latitude. However, are there daredevils to univocally assert that these people did not pursue their own purposes in mayhem of violence?

- If we throw your view on today"s situation, does it mean that a person triggering the warhead screaming "Allahu Akbar" is not the one inspired by the Koran reading?

- At present, there are numerous terrorist associations, so the world is faced with acts of terror based on ideological principles (religious included). As for committers, some of them see their predestination in committing violence actions; others are those offended, disadvantaged or ordinary avengers. At the same time, it"d be expedient to make a reservation. Yes, an act of terror committer screams "Allahu Akbar" before triggering the warhead and is positioned by the world opinion as an adherent of Islam. If emotions put off, a question arises; what this person is? Has he ever read the Koran or prayed Namaz? Maybe, he has been set up as the fall guy? These are not idle questions.

In the meanwhile, even a pious Moslem may be set up as the full guy who as a member of a certain Moslem group has no idea of real tasks it puts forward. As a member of the group he studies the Koran, the Arabic language, debates over ways of Islam development, etc. Once upon a time he is asked to give a parcel to a certain Moslem in an underground, bus stop, other hive of activity. An unsuspecting young man or woman takes a parcel rigged with explosives which is triggered seasonably by remote firing. Utopia? No, even today"s films make effective use of this plot.

- Aren"t you trying to whitewash acts of terror committed on behalf of the Islamic religion?

- By no means. Like Judaism or Christianity, Islam needs no whitewashing. There are postulates in each of them you like or dislike. However, adherents of these confessions are seeking to observe them. Another question is how these postulates are interpreted and presented. As for Islam, all questions are answered in its main scripture.

- What can you say about a recent mass media report on detention by the State Security Service of a group of persons who, reportedly from the late 2017, transferred money to members of a terrorist group on the Syrian territory?

- I can hardly say anything about it because the investigation has just begun. True, there are nuances around Syria and Islam. The point is that Moslems inside this country are fighting not against Hebrews, Christians or atheists but against each other. Yes, there were isolated cases of destruction of Christian sanctuaries but of interest is the fact that world mass media gave a passing mention about appearance of some masterpieces from Syrian museums at private collections far beyond the limits of the Near East. Each act of terror has to be considered independently - who stands to profit from it and why?

The same is true of the analysis of civil wars at any country irrespective of secular flag or religious banner. At any rate, the situation is sure to have been destabilized from the outside.

A question arises: has the war in Syria (Iraq or Libya) begun on its own? Unexpectedly? We know it very well that the situation in these mineral resources-rich countries became heated because of geopolitical confrontation of world powers in the region. In the meantime, aggravation of the situation in Syria manifested itself in the form of civil war of all against all. Behind each of internal forces there are third parties while outwardly the world public was misinformed as governmental forces were allegedly fighting against the opposition. Then the opposition was split, and Kurdish detachments were billeted near at hand and further there stretched the so-called "Islamic state". And the most interesting is the fact that all of confronting forces declared a mutual jihad. The probability remains that Azerbaijanis fighting in the region could be placed on opposite sides of the barricades.

- To your thinking, the declaration of jihad has been politicized?

- Surely. As for jihad, meant here is the eagerness in faith, i.e. struggle against one"s temptations which is called "big jihad". As for "small jihad", it is the struggle for faith (specified by varied conditions). Are there any signs of the struggle for faith and Islamic values in Syria in terms of the fact that external actors are not pursuing religious purposes in the region? For this reason, young men and women viewing jihad from religious point of view prove to be hostages of the world geopolitics. On the one hand, they are none other than cannon fodder; on the other hand, they are accidental killers of innocent victims.

- In view of the above, is the "Islamic state" fiction?

- Has there been a structure in reality? Maybe, some forces named it as a certain organization working on the order but speaking in terms of Islamic slogans? I"d like to cite an opinion of authoritative Moslem scholar of the 20 century Mohammad Nasiraddin al-Albani who, in turn, quotes "one of proponents ": "Build the Islamic state in your hearts, and it will anchor on your land". Irrespective of authorship of the fragment above, it is pregnant with profound meaning.

A parallel comes to my mind here with a transversion from Omar Khayyam:

There are ways for faithful to two Kaabas

Either in Mecca or in heart.

What a beautiful and multilayered rubais, isn"t it? Isn"t there a consonance with the above-quoted fragment of the thinker to the effect that the main thing is not a form but a content while deeds are to lay a foundation of righteousness, not outer shell?

Of the same spoke Prophet Jesus (may peace be upon him): "The heavenly kingdom is reminiscent of a mustard grain that a man took and sowed on his field which is lesser than all other seeds but when it grows it becomes bigger than all other cereals and turns into a tree, so heavenly fly in and take shelter in its branches" (Mth. 13: 31-32)?

- Based on your approach, isn"t this about reformation of Islam?

- As a while, various stories go that Islam has "to be reformed". If such is the case, I ask a counter-question: Is it possible to reform Christianity, Judaism or Islam? And how? One can talk about renovation of Islamic thought, i. e. reformation of our approach to Allah"s words from the perspective of the current historical process as was the case in the initial period of Islam dissemination. Hence, it"d be expedient to speak about renovation (modernization) not of Islam, everlasting at all times but of ourselves, of our contemplation from today" and tomorrow"s perspective.

- But when it is talked about Protestantism, "reformation" is on everyone"s lips implying the struggle of protestant ideas against Cathholic Church and Power of the Keys.

- It is easy to label any historical periods at will. But aren"t" there too many "isms" around us, including periods of restructuring and reloading? Suffice it to recall the popularity of definition "modern history" going back to year 1918 (1917 in the Soviet historical science). Then some historians focused on year 1945 as a beginning of the "newest" epoch. Tomorrow it may change for "super-newest"? And how is today"s stage called? Likeoism?

As for Protestantism, signs of geopolitical perspective are becoming clear. In 1594, the then powerful Spain and Portugal (G-2 in today"s terms) signed a Tordesillas Treaty, as a matter of fact, history"s first agreement on territorial division of the world. However, France and England, with their ever growing might, declined from recognizing the Treaty. But they were powerless in view of Pope who sanctified new territorial conquests exclusively in favor of Spain and Portugal?

Not an issue at all. To get out of "official" religious control of Vatican, England, Holland and other young countries began trampling down local church "representations". So emerged Protestantism that primarily spread in Holland, Scotland, some regions of Germany. Anglican Church came into being in 1534. All these attempts were explained as being due to theological divergences ideologically pioneered by Martin Luther (Lutheranism) and Jean Calvin (Calvinism). Yes, at first glance, Protestantism challenged Pope" and Church"s authority (from here "Reformation") but in reality it came from geopolitical considerations.

That"s why I insist that it is not about reformation of Judaism, Christianity or Islam. The point is exclusively about renovation of Islamic thought. But it is a separate and in-depth topic.

- Well then, we"ll continue our conversation.

- Inshallah!

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