Activist of  D18 Gadir Agakishiev was beaten in the police office

Gadir Agakishiev,  activist of  D18 Movement, serving an administrative penalty in the form of arrest for 30 days was beaten by the police, wrote on his Facebook page activist Samir Agayev referring to the lawyer Fariz Namazly who today met with Agakishiev in Sumgayit police.

According to the lawyer, on the day of detention on February 20  there was a call  To Agakshiev from the Executive Power of Sumgayit, saying that the hostel in which he resides, is subject to demolition, and  he was  summoned to the city administration.

When he arrived there, the activist was captured by four persons in plain clothes and taken to the Sumgait city police department. There 5-6 people started beating him striking blows with  hands and feet on his  legs and the kidneys.

In this way, he was forced to sign a confession saying that he had cursed loudly in the street, and when the police made a remark to him, he ignored it.

After that, the activist was taken to the 3-th branch of the city police, and was made to sign a number of papers, after which he was brought to trial, sentenced him to 30 days of arrest. Despite the fact that  in the court he told that he had not committed crimes and confessed under  the pressure, the judge made a decision about the arrest. According to Agayev, as a result of beatings Agakishiev’s heel  swollen, broken capillaries on the legs were broken,  and he suffers pain in kidneys. Despite the fact that last week Agakishiev complained to the representatives of the Ombudswoman office about the actions of the police, they did not take any measures.  The lawyer Namazly  said he would appeal to the Ombudsman and the prosecutor's office on the fact of torture. Turan failed to get  the  comments in the police. -16D06--

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