Aftershock of the earthquake in Ismayilli region will continue

 The Shamakhi-Ismayilli region is the most active seismic zone of Azerbaijan, and earthquakes occurring there can awaken and other seismic sources, said at the press conference, Gurban Yetirmishli,  the head of the Republican Seismological Service Center of the Academy of Sciences. He said that  the earthquake which  happened on October 7 in  the Ismayili region was strong enough. However,  because the tremors occurred at a depth of 40 km., the earthquake did not cause serious damage, although  it was felt in many parts of the country.

For comparison, the May earthquake in Zagatala  region was   of  similar capacity - 5.6-5.7 magnitude, but because of   shallow depth of tremors (8-10 km), it caused damages.

As for yesterday's earthquake in Shamakhi and Mingachevir, Yetirmishli said that it is a region of seismic  tension and activity there continues. According to him, the tremors could continue along the lines of tectonic breaks.—06D-


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