Authorities Decide to Extend Main Flag of Azerbaijan?

Baku / 07.08.17 / Turan: In recent days, visitors to Flag Square and nearby territories have been observing the beginning of the reconstruction of the country's main flagpole. So, with the help of several tall cranes, the 162 meter high metal tower was dismantled. Apparently, work is under way to extend it to restore the world record, which now belongs to Tajikistan.

In Baku, they apparently decided that this cannot be tolerated anymore and it is necessary to regain the primacy, especially since all the most acute problems of the country have already been resolved.

However, the issue of lengthening the flagpole did not arise alone. At the same time, work is underway to strengthen the foundation of Flag Square, which over the past couple of years began to settle and crack.

According to eyewitnesses, thousands of tons of concrete have been pumped into the foundation of the building for several days in order to strengthen the bottom, which actually rests on an artificial embankment. Therefore, experts believe that the effect of work to strengthen the bottom is not guaranteed.

How much money will be spent on this new self-promotion, no one knows. The authorities generally do not comment on the conduct of any work, and even more so the size and source of the funds allocated. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that we are talking about millions.

The head of state issued a decree on the construction of State Flag Square in 2007. The project was developed by the American company Trident Support and implemented by the Azerbaijani company Azenko.

On September 1, 2010, the solemn opening of State Flag Square was held in Baku.

Until May 2011 the flagpole in Baku was the highest in the world. However, a 165-meter flagpole was built in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, which certainly hurt the authors" self-esteem.

The area covers ​​60 hectares. The total weight of the flagpole is 220 tons. The width of the flag is 35 meters, the length is 70 meters, the total area is 2,450 square meters, and the weight is about 350 kilograms. Construction of the area cost about 32 million US dollars.

The square also shows state symbols - the coat of arms, the text of the anthem and the map of Azerbaijan, made of gilded bronze, and the Museum of the National Flag.

It is noteworthy that since the opening the area around the main flag is closed to visitors. Only official delegations are allowed there. -02D-

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