Head of the Committee calls on believers not to interfere in politics

A two-day conference on "The relationship between the State and Religion" opened in Lankaran on Friday.  The head of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, Elshad Iskenderova, and Sheikh Allahshukur Pashazaden are participating.

According to the press release of the State Committee, Elshad Iskandarov announced plans to hold similar conferences in all regions of the country.  He also stated the need to strengthen moral and national values.

He spoke about increased attempts to radicalize the Islamic religion in the world, necessitating activation of work on religious education. The head of the state committee also touched on the involvement of religious groups and believers in the political process. Internal and external forces are trying to violate stability in the country, and to use believers in their game.  "We believe that believers will not allow this," he said.

The Sheikh in his speech said such conferences are important and necessary. He supported the idea of strengthening enlightenment among believers. -05D-


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