Media Review - September 1, 2018

The trip of the head of state to the regions, the impact of US sanctions on partner countries of Azerbaijan, and the lawlessness in pawnshops are the topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the trips of the head of state to the regions of the country, which accelerates the construction of socio-economic facilities.

Over the past 15 years, significant progress has been made in the socio-economic development of the regions. The author recalls the President's trip to the Shamakhy district on August 25-26 and the opening of some objects there.

The website writes about the possible impact of US sanctions against Iran, Russia and Turkey on the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan, as 31% of the country's imports fall on Russia and Turkey.

This situation created problems with the Chinese market. The author also writes that Azerbaijan has become a regional transit center. US sanctions can disrupt many existing and planned projects, the author writes.

The Novoye Vremya newspaper writes that against the backdrop of the growing activity of the pawnshop business, the number of defrauded citizens, giving their values ​​to scams, and then not having the opportunity to return their property, has increased.

Pawnshop owners quite frequently hide, closing their offices and taking a solid amount of gold jewelry. In general, against the backdrop of a sharp revival of this market, cases of illegal activity of pawnshops have increased, so the question of the necessity of state regulation of financial institutions rendering loan services is becoming more and more topical. -0 ----

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