Over night nearly 200 % of normal monthly precipitation fell in Baku

Baku/24.09.13/Turan : Last night up to 30-33 mm of rainfall , which is 174-192 % of the monthly norm, fell in Baku .

According to the Ministry of Environment , heavy rain fell as a result of the cold atmospheric front and lasted for four hours.

According to the long-term observations, the record rainfall in September fell in Baku in 1980 - for 12 hours 46 mm fell.

On the territory of Azerbaijan from the evening on September 22 until the morning of September 24 the most intense rain fell in Gazimahammad - 72 mm ( 500% of normal), in Baku - 44 mm ( 256 % ), Mashtaga - 44 mm ( 196% ) , Imishli and Beylagan - 35 mm . ( 177% ) and Tartar - 35 mm (140 %).-03D06-


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