Press Review - 6 February 2018

Extraordinary presidential elections in Azerbaijan, two opposing views on this event, as well as the negative position of Azerbaijan in several international ratings are the main topics of the media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the extraordinary presidential elections scheduled for April 11. This is the third extraordinary presidential election, given that the first took place in 1992 after the departure of Ayaz Mutallibov, and the second in 1993 - after the departure of Elchibey.

The author writes that early elections are related to the legal and political demands of large-scale reforms in the country. The presidential elections were scheduled for a date 6 months before the planned with the aim of launching important programs of the new reform course as soon as possible.

The website concerns the topic of extraordinary presidential elections. The author writes that over the past 25 years, elections in Azerbaijan were held without voters, and the author called the sudden transfer of the election date an indicator of the authorities' assessment of their citizens.

It seems that this step is taken because of the power"s fears of trust limits exhausted with the international community, distrust of the Russian protection, and also because the discontent of the people could increase and the situation could worsen by October.

The newspaper Echo published an article on the negative ratings of Azerbaijan. On January 30, the International Budget Partnership published the Open Budget Index for 2017.

Azerbaijan took the 77th place among the 115 countries, gaining only 34 points out of 100. In Azerbaijan, the budget is completely in the hands of the government. When it is formed, the independent expert community and the public do not take part. It is for this reason that our country has taken, to put it mildly, a bad line in the ranking of open budgets.

This is the lowest result since 2006 for Azerbaijan. The last time a bad result was registered in Azerbaijan in 2015 - 51 points. The average indicator of budget openness in the world is 43 points, that is, Azerbaijan does not have an open budget. -0--

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