The preliminary investigation into the case of Fuad Ahmadli is over

Preliminary investigation into the case of People's Front party activist Fuad Ahmadli has ended, said the lawyer  Asafali Mustafayev. He noted that on March 10, the Baku Court of Appeal rejected Ahmadli's complaint to extend the term of the arrest.  After the meeting, it was announced that Ahmadli's case was separated from the case of financial director of the newspaper Azadlyg Faig Amirov.

Fuad Ahmadli was detained on August 18, 2017. Then the State Security Service and the Prosecutor General's Office stated that Ahmadli, who worked as an operator in the "Call Center" of Azerfon LLC, transferred the personal data of the subscribers to third parties. It was also alleged that during the search, books, CDs with speeches by Turkish preacher Fetullah Gulen and his movement "Hizmet" were found in Ahmadli's apartment.

It is noteworthy that the case of Ahmadli was combined with the cases of other PFPA activists - Faiq Amirov and Elchin Ismayill, although they are charged with absolutely different charges.

On March 6, in Baku  in jail N1, the accusations of Ahmadli were reclassified from Article 302.1 (violation of the legislation on operational-search activity) and 308.1 (abuse of office) of the Criminal Code to paragraphs 2 of the same articles providing for responsibility for grave consequences. Ahmedli rejected accusations. Under previous accusations Ahmedli threatened 3 years of imprisonment,  but  under new articles he will be punished with up to 8 years of imprisonment.-06B-

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