Verdict against first group of defendants on Guba events

 Trial over the  eight accused  on Guba events  on March 1 was over  on 13 December in Guba regional  court chaired by  Zamin Tahirov. The court found the defendants guilty of willful destruction of property, public order offenses, the use of force against the police.

The court sentenced: Farhad Abdurakhmanov to five years in prison. Sakhavat Aleskerov to four years and three months in prison. At the same time, Alkhas Danyalov was sentenced to three years on probation and was released in the courtroom. 

Samir Khammedov, Samir Talibov, Matlab Dadashov, Sarvin Chobanov and Murad Zakirov also received three years of probation. Tomorrow  sentence will be against nine accused.

On March 1, 2012 several thousand residents of Guba region  made a rally demanding the resignation of the Chief Executive of the region, Khabibov Rauf, who had publicly insulted the locals. The protest turned into a riot,  and Khabibov’s villa was burnt,  and damage was caused to the building of the district executive. Four groups of defendants, consisting of 30 people were brought to trial. —06B—


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