What Is Threat of Global Warming to Azerbaijan?

If the international community fails to take timely preventive measures in connection with global warming, humanity in the coming decades will face catastrophic consequences of climate change. These issues relating to the common future of humanity will be discussed in Paris on November 30 - December 11 at the 21st Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change, said French Ambassador Pascal Monnier in Baku at a meeting with journalists on May 27.

He said that inaction could raise the temperature on the planet by 6 degrees by the end of the century.

If humanity is idle, the warming may cause the melting of 1 billion tons of glaciers in the world, raising sea levels by 4 meters, and in the next century by tens of meters. This would mean the flooding of coastal states, changing the lives of hundreds of millions of people. On the other hand, global warming in other regions may lead to water scarcity and drought affecting about 3 billion people and leading to global migration.

At the Paris conference it is expected that 195 countries will sign an international agreement on climate, aimed at maintaining the level of air temperature on Earth within two degrees Celsius. Prior to the conference, the participating countries have to report on their "own contribution" to the achievement of its objectives in the field of climate change. It is necessary to resolve the issues relating to the financial and technological aspects of climate change, and until 2020 to achieve annual revenues of public and private capital in the amount of 100 billion US dollars. In addition, it is necessary to recognize the efforts and role of NGOs in resolving the problem of climate change.

"We all need to call in people a sense of caring about the future. After all, the fight against climate change along with large industrial solutions is carried out also with small steps, for example, the economical use of electricity," said Monnier.

For Azerbaijan, global warming may create serious problems due to the drought and the retreat of the Caspian Sea.

"If a number of places in the world face a threat of tornado, the Caspian Sea basin can face drought, onset of the land area and decrease in the sea," said the Ambassador.

According to him, Azerbaijan implements projects on the environment, such as the Clean City, operating a number of local and foreign companies.

Global warming opens the way for many large-scale problems.

"If you do not apply the right technology, it can repeat tragedies like the one that took place in Baku on May 19 (fire in a 16-storey building that came from the facing made of poliurethane, which killed 15 people - Turan).

The Ambassador also reported that on June 5 ADA University will host a joint press conference with the participation of the Azerbaijani government on climate change.

The conference is expected to discuss threats of global warming for Azerbaijan and the possible contribution of the country to meet these challenges. -06C--

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