İrəvan xanlığı 19-cu əsrin əvvəlləri

İrəvan xanlığı 19-cu əsrin əvvəlləri

Until now, no Armenian politician or expert has considered the security of Armenia at the South Caucasus regional level. They longed for Tsarist Russia, the West, Russia, Iran, and China, and they seriously sweated for these directions. Now it is India's turn. You cannot find any position or comment about local and diaspora Armenians seeking Armenia's security in the region. The reason is almost obvious. Now Moscow is dissatisfied with Armenia's attitude towards Russia. Sometimes it publishes some materials from the archives of Tsarist Russia. On the anniversary of the Treaty of Turkmenchay, they spread very accurate information about how many Armenians were settled in Yerevan and Karabakh by Griboyedov and how much money was spent. They also recently announced the work done by Field Marshal Paskevich for the capture of the Iravan fortress. Paskevich brought 2,000 Armenians living in the Ottoman territory and occupied the Iravan fortress, and according to the information in Russian archives, the money allocated to Armenians was the highest record amount at that time. Then this modern Wagner military unit occupied the territories of Kars, Igdir, Erzurum, Ardahan, etc. in Turkey. Now Moscow reminds Armenians that it made them the owner of these territories. Armenians were brought to this region by Russia from Iran and Ottoman territory as a military force. This issue still remains in the subconscious of Armenians. They consider themselves as a foreign element in the region. Even now they are in a Wagner mood. For a time, the Wagners were stationed in African countries and were waiting for instructions from Moscow. And now this work is going on specifically in the territory of Karabakh. Currently, there are 3 categories of ethnic Russians in Karabakh: 1) 2 thousand RF peacekeepers; 2) 50-60 representatives of RF law enforcement agencies; 3) 600-700 ordinary citizens with various professions, perhaps ex-military. After the environmental activists of Azerbaijan started the action, the citizens of the Russian Federation brought to Karabakh started to leave there. In total, the number of Russian citizens brought there has exceeded 300. The organizers of this work have created a House of Russian Culture for them there. The House of Russian Culture can be considered a bank. Because it will provide the citizens of the coming RF with a salary. Those who lead Karabakh Armenians expelled the Azerbaijanis and do not allow them to return to their home but bring an ethnic Russian with an invitation from Russia.

It seems that the embassies of the USA, EU, France, and other countries do not see such information published in the open press of Armenia. Because after the spread of this information, USAID's attention to Karabakh increased. There, together with the International Committee of the Red Cross, it set up a sabotage plan. The EU allocated additional 40 million funds to the Sunik province of Armenia.

Armenians, in general, should not allow the regional political course and intention of a state to enter the region. Armenians currently live in different countries of the world. They have adapted to this, and in such a situation, they send more refugees. They earn more than that. Armenians in Lyon, Marseille, or Los Angeles will also take the Wagners there tomorrow.

Armenians should accept the concept of "Motherland". The area they live in is their homeland, so whoever accepts it as a homeland can stay. Whoever does not accept it as a homeland can move. This applies to the Armenians of Armenia and Karabakh. However, this applies more to Karabakh Armenians. Until the Russians are brought here, among Karabakh Armenians, those who wish to move can move to Russia.

Neighboring states should now recognize the issue of sovereignty after the agreement on territorial integrity between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the region. Armenia and Azerbaijan should recognize each other's sovereignty. Armenia should accept the concept of sovereignty itself. This means respect for the region where they live. Russia should show a sincere attitude towards the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. If the tripartite declaration denies sovereignty in a certain part of Azerbaijan's territory, if it questions its territorial integrity, this doubt should also apply to the strategic agreement signed between Azerbaijan and Russia on February 22, 2022. RF must choose. If Russia really recognizes Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and state sovereignty, then it should approach all affairs, including the Lachin corridor, from this point of view.

The Russian Patriarchate should, first of all, declare that Karabakh is a part of Azerbaijan. It should subordinate the Orthodox Church established there to the Eparchy in Baku.

The Russian Federation should accept the Russian community on the territory of Azerbaijan. The Russian community in Karabakh should also obey the Russian community in Baku.

The region includes three states and has three neighbors. The three states of the region, from a modern perspective, should become almost a single state to ensure their security and adequate facilities. There is no need to go into the history of this, it opens up additional negative nuances. The relations of the three states of the region with the three big neighbors of the region are not smooth. And that's why the region should be one. For this, Armenians should consider the territories they live in as their homeland and treat them as a homeland. Wagnerism should be abandoned.


Mubariz Ahmadoglu

Center for Political Innovation and Technology

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