As I anticipated, there has been a cruel provocation organized against me

As I anticipated, there has been a cruel provocation organized against me. However, it was not on Friday, September 5, as I had expected, but on Saturday, September 6th.

On September 6th, at 16:30-16:45, the inmate Nuriyya Huseynova started yelling and crudely calling me names without any reason, and telling me that I moved the chair. Instinctively, I moved towards the door, as Nuriyya Huseynova started to throw plates and dishes at me. She threw two cups of tea at me. One of the cups was made from aluminum and it hit my operated breast badly. Then she started throwing plates at me. I started banging at the door and calling for help. After several minutes, two prison guards -- a girl and Major Yaqubov came. I asked them to take me immediately to the doctor and to take me out from the cell. I asked to see the prison administration to show that there had been an attack on me. They closed the cell door window. After several minutes (10-15 min), the girl came back and told me that I will be able to see the prison administration on Monday.

After hearing about Monday, Nuriyya Huseynova started again, with new strength, to call me names and humiliate me. I did not have any protection from physical violence. I started banging at the door. I banged on the door for about 25 minutes. Finally, three prison officers came to our cell and started reprimanding me, saying that I am the one who is violating discipline by banging on the door. I told them in detail about the physical attack on me and asked for the protection.

I was taken out of the cell in order to provide a written explanation. On three pages, I wrote in detail, that Huseynova had already threatened me many times, called me names and today had inflicted severe injury on me. I requested in writing that they move Huseynova to another cell, indicating that it is not right to keep repeat offenders in the same cell as girls and women serving their first time in prison. I asked for protection… Major Yaqubov behaved very coarsely. The doctor did not render me any aid.

On Sunday, September 7th I was called again to Major Yaqubov. He showed me the order according to which I was receiving a reprimand, because I had banged on the door. I asked:

1.     Why was it not indicated in the order that I was banging on the door because I had to, that I was calling for someone to protect me from the physical violence?

To which the Major Yaqubov responded that the fact of the physical attack is not confirmed.

2.     I asked how should I protect myself in future if I cannot knock on the door?

To which I have not received any answer.

3.     I asked him why I am continuously exposed to the psychological and physical pressure and why they haven’t yet transferred Huseynova to another cell – as she has also started beating other inmates as well as me.

There is no answer to that.

I am not sleeping since September 6th.

I think that physical attacks will continue.

The doctor is not reacting to the infected abscess on my leg.

September 7, 2014

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